28-29 May 2015: Frans Timmermans will be the keynote at the 25th EJTA conference (Brussels – Belgium)

Frans Timmermans is First Vice-President, for Better Regulation, Inter-institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, of the European Commission.Born in 1961, he holds degrees in French literature, European law and history.Since 1998, he has been a Member of the Dutch Parliament. He was Secretary of State for Foreign and European…

25-26 October 2018: Moscow Readings Conference on Digital Transformations of Mass Media: Regional, National and Global Aspects (Moscow-Russia)

The Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University organises yearly a Moscow Readings Conference. Underneath the invitation for 2018. Media everywhere in the world undergo significant transformations under the influence of digitalization, media convergence, mediatization of the society, deprofessionalization of journalistic work, the development of new active audiences which take over some functions that…

1-3 September 2017: Conference ‘Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era’ (Limassol-Cyprus)

The Open University (Cyprus) announces the call for papers for the international conference entitled ‘Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era’. The conference is organised jointly by the Advanced Media Institute, the Open University (Cyprus), the Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community at Bournemouth University (UK), and the Laboratory of…