EJTA Mission on Media Literacy: Strengthening Digital Citizenship and Democracy through Media Education and Quality Journalism

Media literacy is essential for navigating the rapid spread of disinformation, in today’s digital world. The ability to access, analyze, and create media content fosters critical thinking, empowering individuals to become active, informed digital citizens. Media literacy is also crucial for distinguishing between quality journalism that has been going through a dynamic digital transformation (generally…

EU Commissioner Praises Media Project of TU Dortmund as a “Shining Example of European Cooperation”: 1,500 European Students Successfully Test New EU Learning Platform of the Dortmund Institute of Journalism

Launch of the New E-Learning Portal for European Reporting “COPE” – Survey by TU Dortmund Among European Journalism Students Shows: Over 60% of Aspiring Journalists Lack Basic Knowledge about the EU In light of the Russian invasion, European cooperation is becoming increasingly important. There are repeated calls for the media in Europe to report more…

Publication COPE e-book

EJTA supports and promotes the dissemination of the publications by the EC project COPE- Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe. Apart from creating a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) teaching coverage of EU issues to journalism students across Europe, the project consortium announces the publication of an E-Book. The COPE E-Book gathers all contents provided in the…

Call for abstracts for KAIROS: Journal in Media and Communications

EJTA member Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) from Skopje, Macedonia, has recently published a call for abstracts under the second edition of KAIROS – Media and Communications Review. KAIROS is an international and open-access journal focused on the academic reflection of media and information literacy issues, media education, critical thinking, digital media, and new trends…

EUfactcheck guidelines lessons learned cover

EUfactcheck publishes its guidelines and lessons learned

The guidelines of EJTA’s fact-checking project EUfactcheck were published in February 2020 and launched during the Train the trainer workshop in Ljubljana. The guidelines describe the organisation, methodology and lessons learned during the first phase of EUfactcheck, the pedagogical fact-checking project powered by EJTA.With these practical guidelines we want to spread the EUfactcheck methodology, hoping…

ERUM guidelines for science communication

Evidence-Based Communication Guidelines for Science Communication

The Erasmus+ project Enhancing Research Understanding through Media (ERUM) has published guidelines which should support students, young journalists and researchers in the development of their science communication skills and contribute to a better understanding of the role of media in communicating science to non-scientific audiences. The Guidelines are based on prior research conducted in the…