The Evens Foundation Prize for Education is dedicated to critical thinking as a practice of freedom

1 October 2019 – For the 2020 edition, the Evens Foundation is looking for inspiration and new ideas to foster the motivation and abilities to think critically about social questions.  The call is open to a broad variety of practices implemented in institutional and non-institutional spaces by teachers, scholars, students, educators, youth workers, artists, civil…

Six new member schools for EJTA in 2016

1 May 2016 – The European Journalism Training Association (ETJA) warmly welcomes 6 new member schools to our network: Université de Neuchâtel, FranceTechnische Universität Dortmund, GermanyInstitut für Journalismus & Medienmanagement, FHWien – AustriaUniversity of St Mark & St John, Plymouth – UKSouth Ural State University, RussiaPompey Fabra University, Barcelona – Spain

28-29 May 2015: Frans Timmermans will be the keynote at the 25th EJTA conference (Brussels – Belgium)

Frans Timmermans is First Vice-President, for Better Regulation, Inter-institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, of the European Commission.Born in 1961, he holds degrees in French literature, European law and history.Since 1998, he has been a Member of the Dutch Parliament. He was Secretary of State for Foreign and European…

ERUM guidelines for science communication

Evidence-Based Communication Guidelines for Science Communication

The Erasmus+ project Enhancing Research Understanding through Media (ERUM) has published guidelines which should support students, young journalists and researchers in the development of their science communication skills and contribute to a better understanding of the role of media in communicating science to non-scientific audiences. The Guidelines are based on prior research conducted in the…