These are the members of the Board as of 9 May 2024:

Anne LeppäjärviPresident
Anne Leppäjärvi works as a Degree program director both in Bachelor and Master degree programs in Journalism at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Along her work at Haaga-Helia she works as a text book writer and media literacy specialist.

Carien J. Touwen, Vice-president
Carien J. Touwen is lecturer and coordinator of internationalisation and exchange programmes at the School of Journalism of HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht (Netherlands). She is also part of the production team of ETJA’s fact checking project

Tiko Tsomaia
Tiko Tsomaia (MD, PhD) is a professor of journalism and communication at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs in Tbilisi. She is running platform that tracks violent crime against women. Tsomaia is a founder of an “open movement” to support open discussion about mental health issues in Georgia. Tsomaia holds Ph.D. in social sciences from the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, and MA in Medicine and Journalism and Media Management.

Cristina Nistor Beuran

Cristina Nistor is a PhD Associate Professor at the Journalism and Digital Media Department from Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where she coordinates the Journalism Program in English and teaches courses related to Media Industries, Media Relations, Media Literacy, Crisis Communication and European Communication. Cristina Nistor was a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University from the City of New York where she conducted research on Media Literacy.

Will Cope

Will Cope is a senior lecturer and the program lead of the BA (Hons) Sports Journalism degree at Solent University in Southampton, and is also the assistant head of the Department of Film and Media.  He specialises in sports broadcast media, sports commentary, reporting and presenting.  He balances his role at the university alongside his work as a freelance sports journalist and academic consultant.

Nadia Vissers, Director
Nadia Vissers is coordinator of internationalisation, programme leader of the English JAP-programme and lecturer of Constructive Interviewing in the Bachelor of Journalism at the Artesis Plantijn University College in Antwerp (Belgium). She has more than 30 years of experience in journalism education.