In the framework of the Erasmus+ programme “Newsreel – New skills for the next generation of journalists” the Erich Brost Institute for international journalism (EBI) has developed a seminar to teach journalism students of TU Dortmund cross-border collaborative journalism.
As we are currently in the process of writing a chapter about our experiences – together with Tabea Grzeszyk, herself founder of the network, journalist and journalism teacher – we would like to include an overview of other seminars and workshops on this evolving trend.
We understand collaborative cross-border journalism along the criteria set by Brigitte Alfter consisting of:
1) journalists from different countries;
2) collaborating on a topic or case;
3) sharing their findings;
4) publishing to each their audience.
In our understanding, teaching collaborative journalism means teaching the basics of teamwork and intercultural sensibility, as well as investigative journalism and project management skills in theory and practice.
We would like to learn more about courses, workshops or programmes that were developed by you and your colleagues with the aim to prepare your students for creating work environments that encourage collaboration against competition – and as such for changing traditional mindsets and practices in journalism.
Therefore, we have prepared a very short questionnaire, which we ask you to answer until July, 15th. You find it here.
More information
…about NEWSREEL can be found here.
…about Hostwriter is available here.
For any questions, please mail to